Since I wrote my own very brief and short biography of Gabrielle Ray I have uncovered a lot more information and a lot more has come to light via new sources. Information is less scarce than it once was. As such my biography needs to be extended and made more detailed. I am working on this. Meanwhile my old biography, shortened and with slight modifcations can be found on the splash page when you first enter this website. I am also going to include other peoples biographies who have written for this website or whose biographies I feel worthwhile preserving and/or repeating and who give permission for this to be done. You can find these via the links below. If they take you to a different website it will open in a new window (you may need to disable your pop up blocker to reach them if you have one).
A Short Biography of Gabrielle Ray
by Robin Edwardes
This short biography was kindly written and donated by Robin Edwardes to the old website in the late 1990s when information about Gabrielle Ray was non-existant! Robin Edwardes great Uncle was George Edwardes the great impresario and a long time associate of Gabrielle Ray's during her most successful period in the theatre. Read it here...
Gabrielle Ray Biography
by Sydney Higgins
At the moment in my opinion by far the best and most extensive - (this link takes you to a different website). Read it here.
Gabrielle Ray Biography
by Don Gillan
Another excellent biography by Don Gillan who runs the stagebeauty.net website... (this link takes you to another website). Read it here...
More to follow on this page...