30th May 2018: A long time since there was last news! Anyhow, this is about Josie's old website Some of you may have ended up here wondering what has happened to it. Josie's site was great for loads of pictures of Gabrielle Ray's postcards but has vanished in recent weeks. The bad news is that Josie's retired from running the site due to ill health. The good news is that I've secured all the pictrues and domain name from her via her son who kindly passed it on to me. So the domain will redirect to here now which is why you may have found yourself here after typing the instead of the .com. Quick update on progress (30th Aug 2018): Unfortunately, at present I don't have the time to put all the pictures back up. I was aiming for doing this more quickly but unforseen circumstances have caused this to be delayed. It will happen in coming weeks and certainly before the end of the year. Thank you for your patience and please await developments.31st Aug 2009: Welcome to the latest incarnation of this website. Previously, this page, dedicated to Gabrielle Ray, was to be found at but has now been re-designed and moved here into it's own domain. Many of the pages linked to above are still being worked on but the need for a new design was somewhat desperate for two reasons... The first was that the old page basically had remained the same since 1996 when I first started a website dedicated to Gabrielle Ray. It was LONG overdue for an overhall. Secondly I have been finding more information about Gabrielle Ray and a new design is needed so I can more efficiently present that information.
This website is a free educational resource for all those interested in Gabrielle Ray. Whether they be people trying to research her and find out more about her or people who just happened to have come across a postcard of her and were wondering who she was and what she did.
Please feel free to enjoy and explore the website using the links at the top of the page.